January 2020 update

Project 225


Following the news on January 6th that Hornby are now to produce their own version of the class 91 we have taken time in the last 2 weeks to evaluate our situation. Our intention with this project was to bring a highly detailed locomotive to the market that has been overlooked for a great number of years. Given the small market for electric locomotives and especially the class 91, with its limited area of operation and services, we have decided at this time that despite the overwhelming support received by the community it would not be viable in the short term to progress with our class 91.

This has not been an easy decision and we have assessed all avenues available at this point in order to try to satisfy the excitement and expectations of the modelling community shown over the last few months.

It is with some sadness that we have to park the 4mm version of this iconic train for now however we do still intend to progress with the 2mm version as previously planned.

We wish Hornby every success with their model and again wish to thank everyone that has supported us in this project and hope that we can provide equally anticipated models for all of you moving forward.

BBA wagon project

Photo courtesy Andy Baldwin

Photo courtesy Andy Baldwin

Cavalex Models’ BBA wagon

Cavalex Models’ BBA wagon

The factory have completed some minor tweaks to the tooling and following a review of the updated Engineering samples production will commence next month after Chinese New Year.

TEA wagon Project

Photo courtesy Gray Callaway

Photo courtesy Gray Callaway

The tooling stage of the process is well underway with the first Engineering Prototype samples expected in March, hopefully in time to be on display at

The London Festival of Railway Modelling at Alexandra Palace on the 21st and 22nd of March.

PHA/JGA wagon project

Photo courtesy Don Gatehouse

Photo courtesy Don Gatehouse


The design of the JGA is underway and work on this project is being stepped up to see this wagon project move forward over the coming months. Please keep an eye out for further updates.

May we take this opportunity to thank everyone that has kindly supported all our projects over the past months, thank you we really are truly grateful.